Thomas and Kyndra

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I said YES!!

Wow.... it has finally happened... Thomas got down on one knee and asked me to spend the rest of my life with him! I am going to soon be the Mrs. Thomas Stone!! EEEKKK Most of you have already heard the news but just thought I would blog about the details! First thing first, yes he asked my dad for permission and dad asked what took him so dang long! Weird because I had the same question! lol It all went down Friday December 30, 2011... I got home from work and we had dinner, nothing seemed unusual our normal Friday night routine (exciting life I know). He suggested since the rain had stopped that we take the dogs out for a walk to the tennis court and throw the ball around for them to get some energy out.

So we get the dogs all leashed up and headed out, Thomas was wearing his normal rain coat.... the only thing that wasn't normal was that he wasn't holding my hand, and that it was shoved in his pocket. But it was cold so it made since at the time, little did I know what in a matter of 20 minutes he would pull something out of that pocket... which I am getting too! So we arrive at the tennis court and the furbabies are running around acting like their crazy selves, I could tell that Thomas was a little fidgety, which once again it was a little cold and windy so didn't think much about it. I had my back to Thomas and turned around to ask him a question, and he asked "so what's up?" my response... "Ok you are weird, nothing..." and turned around to throw the ball for Buddy. Thomas says my name, and as I turn around Thomas is down on one knee.... here is the funny part... not sure what was said because I went into HOLY COW, HOLY COW, HOLY COW mode... Next thing I know he is pulling off my glove, and my ring that is on my ringer and replaced it with a beautiful diamond engagement ring!

We haven't set a date quite yet, but it will happen early summer of this year! After 7 years no need for a long engagement, we are both ready to take the next step and start a new chapter! This was a great way to end 2011, and to start 2012!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


This is just going to be a short post for now and I am just going to get to the point! Well the verdict is in.... my little sister and her boyfriend will be having a precious baby BOY in March! Thomas and I have been blessed with our first niece Mylah, our first nephew Connor and now we get a second nephew (name not decided on)!! I can't express the love and joy that I have for Mylah and the two nephews that will make their debut to the world next year..... Boys please hurry up and join us already, your aunt is getting VERY impatient! All three of these blessings have brought more love and joy into our lives and family and can't wait to meet the new additions!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Little Update

Well it is true, I am not very good at the whole updating my blog thing! There are a few exciting things going on in my life so I thought that this would b a great way to share and get everyone updated!

My best friend is having a baby!!! I know that I mentioned this before, but I am truly happy for Tony and Michelle and can't wait to meet my nephew Connor! The little tyke isn't born yet and I am already in love with him so much! I think that it is safe to say that he is going to be one well taken care of little boy when he joins the rest of us out here in the world. Tony and Michelle are going to make great parents, and they have been truly blessed with this little bundle of joy. Michelle is due at the end of January and I will have my phone attached to my hip waiting for the phone call that she is headed to the hospital. Tony will be deployed at the time she is expected to deliver; so if everyone could keep Tony in your prayers for him to return home safe, and Michelle as well for strength to get through not only the deployment but the delivery of their child.

MORE BABY NEWS!!!! Sorry everyone, Thomas and I aren't there yet but hopefully soon! My baby sister, Kelci is having a baby!! They will find out the sex of the baby November 9th, so needless to say we are over joyed at the news and can't wait to find out if we are going to have another niece or nephew!! Kelci is due March 31st, so around that time I will once again have my phone attached to my hip!!

Other than baby news, Thomas and I will be back under one roof again by the end of this month! I can't believe that it has been a little over a year that he has been gone. I guess working and going to school full-time, having two dogs, training for a few runs will help pass time! It has been a hard year being apart from each other, but distance makes the heart grow fonder! People always ask how I can do it, but I either said no Thomas you can't move to Spokane to work and pay bills you need to stay home here in Enumclaw and try and find a different job while the bills start to pile up or I pull my big girl panties on and let him go. We needed this job not only so we could pay bills, but so he wouldn't go crazy and start annoying the crap out of me (just being honest!) being home and without a job. The time apart has done nothing but great things for our relationship and I tried to make lemonade out of lemons while he has been gone! I think that I did ok, and we are in the final stretch, the next time he comes home will be him moving home!! Thank you everyone for the love and the support that you all have given us over the last year, it has helped both of us get through it!

Well I think that sums everything up, our little family is healthy and our extended family is growing! We are truly blessed with everything that is going on in our lives right now, and everyone that is in our lives! We love you all!! XoXo

Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby on Board!!

Sorry for the let down everyone, Thomas and I aren't pregnant..... But we officially welcomed our niece Mylah Jade Stone on Friday July 15th, 2011 at 5:54 P.M.!! Mylah weighed 7lbs 1oz and was 21 1/2 inches! She is perfect and absolutely beautiful!! Ashley went into labor Thursday night but was sent, and then ended up going back to the hospital Friday morning around 5:30 A.M., she had a long and slow labor before Mylah decided it was time to join the rest of us out here in the world! Bryan (dad) and Tammy (mom) were in the delivery room with her, and Thomas and Sam (Ashley's younger brother) were waiting patiently in the waiting room! I was frantically trying to get to Spokane as soon as I could but didn't make it in time for the delivery. Thomas was sending me updates and pictures as I made my way across the state! I finally got to hold and meet Mylah Saturday morning and was over come with emotions as soon as I walked into the room and saw our little perfect niece! Thomas and I are truly proud of Bryan and Ashley and how far they have came since finding out they were pregnant. We are excited to watch Mylah grow up and of course spoil her a little along the way! I have posted a few pictures below; out of the respect of Bryan and Ashley nothing will be posted on Facebook for the whole world to see.

I will also be welcoming another niece or nephew in January!!! My best friend of a million years is expecting her first child with her amazing husband Tony!! I have been waiting to share the news for a few weeks now but just had to wait for her to release the news first!!! Knowing that I am going to be an auntie of their child is the most amazing feeling in the world!! January needs to hurry up and get here so Thomas and I can meet baby Wright!!! We love you guys so much and can’t wait to meet, and yes spoil, your little bundle of joy!!! Well that pretty much sums up all the baby news!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Run Forest Run

Well I officially did it, I ran a full 1/2 marathon which is 13.1 miles, yes 13.1 miles!! I will admit that I did have to stop once around mile 3 because I had to pay a visit to the port-a-potty but other than that I ran like the wind! I did the Rock N Roll marathon series last year and ran/walked the 13.1 miles in about 3 hours so this year my goal was to not only train, but to run the whole thing, and run it in about 2 hours 30 minutes this year. Well I did all three, I stuck to a good training schedule that my busy schedule could handle and with that I was able run the 13.1 miles and my final time was 2:22:07!!!!!!! The best thing was crossing the finish line and not having the feeling that my legs were going to collapse, and I was able to walk around and go about my day as planned!

I met my Aunt Joni, Aunt Shelly and my cousins Jessica, Shayna and Tarah at the starting line and was able to chat with them before getting to the starting line. It was nice being with family at the starting line, and then watching everyone cross the finish line as well! I am so proud of them all for finishing their first 1/2 Marathon's! Jessica and I are trying to plan a trip to Disneyland in January to take part of the Tinkerbell 1/2 Marathon... what is this you might be thinking.... Well it is a 1/2 Marathon where the course takes you through Disneyland and you can wear wings and tiaras! Every girls dream, the wearing of the wings and tiara part of course! Haha So we will see, I am hoping that if we can't do it this year then we will get our act together and run it next year!

 I have grown to love running and find it very therapeutic! My parents get a kick out of it because all the years that I did school and select sports if we ever had to run a mile I would be the first person to complain or try to get out of it. Who would have thought I would be the one running 1/2 marathons!! I am making the Rock N Toll 1/2 Marathon a must ever year and I do recommend everyone checking it out whether you run or walk it. It is such a fun atmosphere and course!

I hope everyone has fun plans for the upcoming holiday weekend, and lets not forget the meaning of the 4th of July!!! God bless

Friday, June 17, 2011

My Little Treasure Chest.....

Whew we made it another week! I have a little down time so I thought I would just make a short and simple post! I have been really enjoying the whole not having homework thing, and I have been able to start deep cleaning my house, yes I have been putting it off for a little while now! Now that the weather is starting to get better I figured this week was a good week to get the house all clean and organized so I can start doing things outside. So as some of you know a while back Thomas had scored an AMAZING vintage trunk from a friend over in Spokane. He knows that I have been looking for one but just couldn't bare paying close to $100 for one... he paid $10, yes that is correct $10 for it! It has been over in Spokane this whole time and he finally brought it home for me to enjoy! Thomas scored some MAJOR brownie points on this for sure!! The first picture is when Thomas got it to his apartment, and then second is where it is in our house in Enumclaw!!

I am going to try and do a little more research on this chest because we found a old railroad sticker on the bottom with a name of the passenger, and part of the date. My favorite thing about antiques is trying to figure out the story and journey behind these treasure! If I find anything don't worry I will update everyone! As you can tell I am overly excited about this trunk and wanted to share my excitement! I hope everyone has a great weekend and don't forget to thank all the wonderful dads out there on Fathers Day, I know my dad will be getting a great big hug and kiss!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Here we go....

Ok so I have finally decided I would give this whole blog thing a whirl, like I have nothing else on my plate! We have friends and family scattered all over the place, and not everyone is into the whole Facebook thing so I am hoping this is the next best thing to keep everyone informed on what we are up to! So lets get started!!

As most of you know Thomas is working over in Spokane and will hopefully be coming home in August! I am keeping my fingers crossed this is the case, the whole long distance thing is getting old and the puppies and I are just ready to have him home full time. Thomas loves his job and enjoys building things so as long as he can keep his hands dirty he is a happy boy!

Ok as for me, I stay pretty busy between working and going to school full time, taking care of our kids (a male German Shepard named Buddy, and a female boxer named Kona) and not to mention trying to keep things clean and tidy around the house! As some of you know, that isn't as easy as it seems!! I am officially on summer "break" from school, so I know can breathe a little when I get off of work. Not having to go straight home to study will be a nice change for a few months! I am killing time at night with training for my second 1/2 marathon June 25th with some family members!! I am doing the Rock N' Roll 1/2 Marathon here in Seattle with my Aunt Joni, Aunt Shelly and my cousins Jessica, Shayna and Tarah... with this group we should be able to keep our motivation and spirits high through the whole 13.1, yes 13.1 miles!! Don't worry, I will post more on this after the event!!

Lets see what else... We are planning a few camping trips this summer with friends and family, we will be celebrating the marriage of Thomas' sister Dana on August 27th!! Matt and Dana had a private ceremony June 3rd in Lawton, OK and will be having a reception here in Washington in August! We are extremely happy and excited to celebrate this wonderful time in their lives!! We love you guys!! We will also be having a new addition to the family around July 11th! Thomas' brother Bryan and his girlfriend will be welcoming a baby girl!! Thomas is going to be an uncle, and don't worry we will keep everyone posted on this as well!! Well I think that just about covers things for now, hopefully I will get better at this whole blogging thing and find some ways to get this a little more interesting!!